No. CHQ/AIAIPASP/IP-Exam-12/2016 Dated : 8/3/2016.
Shri S.V.Rao,
Director (DE),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject : Promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts Cadre.
Ref. : Directorate No. A.34013/07/2012-DE dated 8/1/2013
Respected Sir,
I am enclosing herewith a copy of representation dated 26-2-2016 received from H. Revani Naik, SPM, Shiralkoppa SO (Karnataka) regarding filling up vacant SC post in LDCE held for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts held in the year 2012.
The above named official appeared for Inspector Posts Examination-2012 held on 13th and 14th October 2012 under Roll No. 1211250052 (OMR 504381) from Karnataka Circle. Directorate vide memo No. A.34013/07/2012-DE dated 8/1/2013 declared result and further revised result was also declared on 25/11/2013. In the said result, 2 SC candidates passed successfully against declared vacancies. Out of these 2 SC candidates, one selected candidate Shri S. G. Puttaswamy (Sl.No.12 Roll No. 1211250126) has secured 768 marks in revised result and then declined the promotion before undergoing induction training. Last selected candidate in SC category was Shri K. M. Narendra Naik (Sl. No. 13 Roll No. 1211250063) has secured 714 marks. The applicant has secured 648 marks and stood next meritorious candidate in the SC category.
I would like to further bring to your kind notice that in the year 2011, Directorate has issued revised result of Inspector Posts Examination vide memo No. A.34013/02/2012-DE dated 8/1/2013. In this revised recast result, Shri A. V. Krishnadas in OC category and Shri G. Basawaraj in ST category declared successfully against the declined candidatures of Shri K. V. Raghavendra and Shri S. T. Venkatesh respectively.
In view of the foregoing paragraphs it is requested to kindly consider the candidature of Shri H. Revani Naik against declination of promotion by Shri S. G Puttaswamy at the earliest.
With warm regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)